More than ever, organizations are demanding that individuals take responsibility, own their work, act proactively, take risks, and deliver extraordinary results.
Individual Development Planning
Our Individual Development Planning (IDP) workshop provides a practical process for improving employees’ contributions to the organization while addressing their personal satisfaction and development needs.
Attending an IDP workshop is a powerful process for assessment, planning, and communication. The sessions culminate with employees and their managers working together to insure ongoing development. Participants are provided with a:
- Clear understanding of the organization’s direction, environment, and requirements
- Method for being more empowered and involved
- Valuable personal insights regarding:
- Current skill strengths and development needs
- Learning Styles
- Work satisfaction and motivational needs
- Openness to change
- Process for building practical development plans
How The Process Works
Pre-Workshop Assignment: Approximately three weeks prior to the workshop, participants and their managers complete two surveys:
- A customized Individual Skills Assessment Survey which identifies the participant’s relative strengths and development needs
- A Learning Styles Survey
These exercises form the basis for the identification of development priorities during the workshop.
Sample Individual Survey
Sample Learning Styles Survey
The Workshop: During the workshop participants complete a series of assessment exercises and receive important insights about how the changing nature of work impacts their organization and themselves. These insights serve as the basis for the creation of a personal development plan which identifies specific opportunities for individuals to increase their value and contribution.
Post-Workshop: The most important component of the IDP process occurs after the workshop. Participants hold discussions with their managers and other significant players to confirm their insights and fine-tune their plans. Agreement is reached on the specific action that will be implemented. New behaviors get tested, progress is assessed, and additional plans are created and implemented. IDP serves as the jump-start of a results-oriented development process.
One tangible method for measuring developmental progress is to repeat the computerized Individual Skills Survey on a regular basis.
Logistics and Customization
IDP is designed as a two-day workshop for individual contributors and team members without management responsibility as well as entry to mid-level supervisors and managers. Workshops can be conducted by:
- Our training staff
- Certified internal instructors
One Size Doesn’t Fit All
We realize that every organization has a unique set of needs. We work closely with our clients to:
- Tailor design elements
- Integrate individual development with existing HR systems
- Customize the skills feedback
- Provide ongoing feedback and evaluation to participants
We believe you will find our client orientation and our responsiveness to specific needs to be one of our greatest strengths.