The challenge facing organizations is to help managers at all levels of the organization translate the theories of coaching and development into practical actions.
The Art of Coaching Workshop
The world of work is undergoing dramatic change. There is a “new game” being played–a game that challenges the basic assumptions about the way work is accomplished. The emphasis is on:
- Doing more with less
- Breaking down functional walls
- Empowering and involving individuals
- Building high performance work teams
- Attracting and retaining talented employees
Most managers acknowledge the need to play a different role in this new environment. They need to learn how to:
- Use coaching as a practical leadership strategy
- Help others grow and develop their skills
Managers must see compelling reasons to try to coach, have practical tools to do so, and most importantly, believe they can coach successfully.
Our The Art of Coaching workshop takes a practical, hands-on approach to coaching and development. The workshop provides participants with:
- Clear and compelling reasons for assuming the coaching role
- A set of tangible skills
- An opportunity to practice and plan for back-home application
Coaching is presented as an ongoing process, not a sporadic event or a technique for “fixing” performance problems. Our workshop model consists of the following specific elements:
Our operating assumption is that coaching is a natural process. Many people do it quite well outside of work. We want to transfer this intuitive ability to the world of work. Therefore, we utilize a variety of simulations and unique learning experiences to gain buy-in and commitment from participants for making coaching a central element of their management strategy.
How The Process Works
Pre-Workshop Assignment: Approximately three weeks before the seminar, participants and their direct reports complete a Work Climate Survey and a Coaching Skills Survey. The input from this assignment helps ensure that the coaching priorities that are identified during the workshop are relevant to the current situation.
Sample Coaching Survey
Sample Climate Survey
The Workshop: The emphasis during the seminar is on practical and valuable skills and tools, not esoteric concepts and theories. Participants learn to:
- Link developmental opportunities to the business strategy
- Define the essential steps in the coaching and development process
- Create a climate of trust
- Observe current performance
- Provide developmental feedback
- Build relevant development plans
- Monitor progress
- Reward success
During the workshop, participants receive computerized feedback profiles that compare and contrast their perceptions of the work climate and their coaching skills with those of their direct reports.
Presented in a safe and confidential format, the feedback:
- Identifies personal strengths and development needs
- Serves as a non-threatening way to open up the lines of communication between managers and direct reports
- Focuses development on the skills which will have the most impact back on the job
Sample Coaching Feedback Report
Sample Climate Survey Report
Back-Home Application
The true value of any training program comes in the participants’ ability to successfully transfer the concepts and skills back to the job. A central focus of the workshop is helping participants create specific actions for implementing what they learn.
Participants build action plans to create an overall climate that supports learning and development and helps individual team members enhance their skills and abilities. They are directed to conduct an overview meeting with their direct reports to introduce how they believe coaching can improve the department or the team’s operating effectiveness and to discuss the highlights of their skills feedback. Candid and non-threatening, this discussion can serve as an important vehicle to open up communication regarding performance feedback.
Video Support
A 20-minute, practical hands-on video provides coaching insights from 7 extraordinary individuals:
Get more information on the video.
Logistics and Customization
The Art of Coaching program is designed as a two day workshop for anyone who is currently managing other individuals. Workshops can be conducted by:
- Our training staff
- Certified internal instructors
We realize that every organization has a unique set of needs. We work closely with our clients to:
- Tailor specific design elements
- Integrate coaching with existing HR systems
- Customize the skills feedback
- Provide ongoing feedback and evaluation to participants
We believe you will find our client orientation and our responsiveness to specific needs to be one of our greatest strengths.